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David Topus

Brand Messaging

David turns reputations into revenue by taking the mess out of messaging and putting the art in articulation. His work with our clients' sales teams fine tunes and standardizes sales messaging. His sales training workshops turn sales people into brand ambassadors and his human capital branding campaigns produce consistent biographics and a unified social media presence.


David is Brandsmith's bridge to your sales organization. As a veteran sales communication expert, he has been around long enough to see the evolution of salespeople from fundamental relationship builders to multi-faceted brand ambassadors. Early in his career as a salesperson and sales leader with The Wall Street Journal, Washington Post and IDG Communications, he worked to develop dozens of high profile marketing and advertising campaigns. For the past 30 years, he has worked with hundreds of companies and sales teams as a sales messaging consultant and trainer — empowering and equipping them as brand ambassadors, enabling them to take marketing to the front lines of business opportunity.

In His Own Words

“Sales is where the fun is. It’s also the final inch of any marketing campaign. Salespeople are an extension of the marketing process – they know where the business is, and they have direct access to the buying influences. The key is knowing how to get to the decision maker, and knowing what to say when you get there. Fun for me is working with sales teams: giving them tips, tools and techniques for achieving the competitive advantage that comes from communication effectiveness.”